01 January 2008

Learn to hate the Chinese fur trade.

Heather Mills McCartney with PETA exposes the fur trade in China. Download the video here and save it for a rainy day when you don't have enough hate in your heart.

China is the world’s largest exporter of fur clothing and, according to industry sources, the biggest fur trade production and processing base in the world. In chinese farms animals are handled roughly and are confined to rows of inappropriate, small wire cages. Signs of extreme anxiety and pathological behaviours are prominent.

To get to the wholesale markets, animals are often transported over large distances and under horrendous conditions before being slaughtered. They are stunned with repeated blows to the head or swung against the ground. Skinning begins with a knife at the rear of the belly whilst the animal is hung up-side-down by its hind legs from a hook. A significant number of animals remain fully conscious during this process. Supremely helpless, they struggle and try to fight back to the very end. Even after their skin has been stripped off breathing, heart beat, directional body and eyelid movements are evident for 5 to 10 minutes.

A significant number of animals remain fully conscious during the skinning process. Even after their skin has been stripped off breathing, heart beat, directional body and eyelid movements are evident for 5 to 10 minutes.

Hate properly. Read the Swiss Animal Protection Organization's Report on the Fur Industry in China.

1 comment:

k9Companion said...

this video just pisses me off.